Red tide practice

General Information & Requirements for Attending Practices
Red Tide is not a "learn to swim" program, we do not teach classes. We are a coached swim team. We recommend that swimmers take private or semi-private lessons in the other stroke disciplines or at minimum freestyle, before joining the team so that they feel more comfortable with the structure of our practices.
We will provide an orientation to our team culture to new swimmers who meet the above requirements. Visit our Pool Etiquette Page before signing up for a Free Trial 1x Pass and/or Registering with a paid Annual Membership.
US Masters swimming is an organized program of swimming for adults over 18 years of age. United States Masters Swimming (www.usms.org), is divided into Local Masters Swim Clubs (LMSC). Red Tide is affiliated with the Metropolitan Masters LMSC (www.metroswim.org).
We welcome swimmers of all levels who have had prior experience with organized swim workouts and/or prior lessons (must be able to swim freestyle at minimum) and who are at least 18+ years of age.
Participants should be able to swim laps continuously for 15 minutes without long rests.
The Masters Swim Team is a year-round program which can be joined at any time. Competition is available to those who wish to participate, but is not mandatory.
It is strictly your choice whether to attend every practice, or only occasionally — there is no attendance requirement.
Free Trial Swim? Join Us!
We encourage you to come and swim with the team to see what we are about.
Your first drop-in session with the team is free of charge. Get your Free Trial Swim Pass here.
You will need prior experience with organized swim workouts and/or prior lessons (must be able to swim freestyle at minimum) and you must be at least 18+ years of age.
Participants can be at any swim level, but have the fitness and endurance level to swim laps continuously for one 15 mins. without long rests.
Red Tide is not a "learn to swim" program. There are local swim lesson programs in NYC and the surrounding areas. If you are brand new to swimming and cannot swim freestyle, our Free Trial pass may not be for you.
Do not feel pressured to swim the entire practice your first time through. If you need to take breaks please do so, just make sure to pull off to the side of the lane and let your lane mates keep going uninterrupted.
If you have questions about sets, timing, etc. ask a lane mate or the coach. Visit our Team FAQ Section